It’s the People That Make the Difference: Riverside Homes Sales Team Talks Company Culture

It’s the People That Make the Difference: Riverside Homes Sales Team Talks Company Culture

June 25, 2022

For the last ten years, Riverside Homes has been making a positive impact on the Northeast Florida area by building new homes with confidence. Under the leadership of Riverside Homes owners Matt Roberts and Chris Wood, our company has carefully constructed a team that brings a plethora of distinct skills and abilities to the table. Our team is made up of fearless, servant leaders who exhibit passion, diligence and perseverance. It’s our goal to assist you and your family in finding the perfect place to call home, so we built a family of our own to help do just that!

The work environment cultivated at Riverside Homes is unlike any other with a strong focus on fostering deep connections both professionally and personally. Our New Home Sales Consultant, Brian Thurston expressed, “Not just some of the team members perform at a high level, but ALL of them do. Everyone I get to work with treats Riverside Homes as if it were their own family that owned the company. Whether it's taking the additional time and patience a buyer needs, or offering a cold bottle of water to one of our hard working trades people, you can always find the heart in what we do in all our actions!"

The first interaction homebuyers have with the Riverside Homes brand is many times with a New Home Sales Consultant while touring one of our Northeast Florida community model homes. Their initial contact with customers is instrumental. It is important to build a strong and trusting bond with our homebuyers as purchasing a home is one of the largest financial transactions most individuals will make. From senior leadership to our sales team, our universal goal is to build a relationship with customers that extends far beyond their new home purchase. At Riverside Homes, memories have been made that will last a lifetime for our team and our customers. Trisha Ziemba, our New Home Sales Consultant had this touching story to share. 

“Recently, I had a customer come back to see me several months after our first meeting. She came in ready to make a purchase with her daughter. They were trying to rush through signing documents, but I wanted to make sure that they had all the information about the house that they were purchasing. As we gathered at the kitchen island in the model, I offered them some water and asked how things have been. In that moment, her daughter started crying, and the mom informed me that her husband had passed away unexpectedly in their current house. This new house is going to help them heal from a very tragic situation. In that moment, I stopped the contract and just hugged them both and let them cry as they shared their story. It is moments like these that remind me that what we do really matters,” Trisha continued, "It feels good to be a part of something bigger, to be with a company that cares about making a difference in people's lives. And in helping others, we put ourselves in a position to change our own lives in the process." This is just one of many stories of how Riverside Homes and our team have positively impacted lives forever.

Our Riverside Homes’ team recognizes the significance that the home places in a family’s life. The definition of a “home” is more than just four walls and a roof; it has a much deeper meaning that is far more intangible. Longtime sales veteran Cindy Walters stated, “A home is personal and emotional because a home is where you raise your family and memories are made. It is also your refuge from a hard day or any trial you or your family must walk through.” 

Since our inception, family has been one of our biggest company values. We have continued to expand our family of both team members and customers over the past decade, and are excited to continue to do so over the next one.

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